Joe Biden's Scandal-Packed Career Just Got Hit With This Death Blow That Proves Once And For All He Is Corrupt

Image credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

Amid Joe Biden's Collusion with the Ukrainian government and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby for Ukraine while Vice President, Joe Biden's son, Hunter, is back in the spotlight for being in bed with the Chinese government. These new allegations show the Bidens are not only deeply connected to the Ukrainian government and enriching themselves at Ukrainians' expense, but also deeply connected to the Chinese Communist Party. This cannot bode well for Biden, who originally kicked off his campaign based on a false claim that his term in the Obama Administration was scandal-free.

In 2013, Hunter travelled to China with his father on Air Force Two to set up a Chinese investment firm that was 80% backed by Chinese Communist Party officials. The firm, titled Bohai Harvest RST, is headed by Hunter Biden and 8 other individuals and is funded largely by the Chinese Community Party-controlled Bank of China. Hunter secured a $1 billion investment from China with no experience of knowledge of China at a time when J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs and other large investment companies could barely enter the Chinese market. Rosemont Seneca, the Ukrainian firm Hunter Biden headed along with John Kerry's stepson and a family friend, was the parent company of the Chinese investment firm.

It was around this time that Joe Biden and the Obama Administration decided to "go soft on China." But in addition to this, Hunter's firm invested in Face++, a facial recognition technology used to run surveillance on the Uighurs who are regularly attacked and persecuted by the Chinese government. In addition, the Chinese Communist Party used Bohai Harvest RST to secure a 49% stake in Henniges Automotive, a Michigan-based auto company. The negotiations were mostly handled by Aviation Industry Corporation of China Ltd, a Chinese Communist Party-backed company. This same firm is reported to have hacked our databases and stolen our F-35 fighter plans during the Obama Administration.

The deeply corrupt connections between Hunter Biden and the Chinese government undoubtedly were known by Joe Biden, since his son accompanied him on the trip and they are in close contact and regular communication. Further, there was also skepticism as to why Barack Obama was so weak with China, essentially ignoring the hacking of our databases and the Chinese government's show of power toward our allies in the Asia-Pacific. Hunter's business dealings with the Chinese government provide a good explanation.

As more evidence of a deeply-connected and corrupt Joe Biden continues to emerge, it is undoubtedly certain Donald Trump will win in 2020. A recent poll from left-leading Emerson shows Trump would beat Biden in a head-to-head by 2%. Coupled with 1 in 3 black likely voters saying they will vote for President Trump in the 2020 election, this could mean a certain Trump victory in 2020 if Joe Biden is the nominee.

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