By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder
After known liar Adam Schiff failed to make various impeachment hoaxes stick to President Trump in the Impeachment Show Trials, new House documents may shed some light on why he worked to spin lie after lie in the impeachment inquiry: according to reports, Adam Schiff accepted laundered money from both Burisma and the Ukrainian government.
The companies in question are specific subsidiaries of Franklin Templeton and BlackRock, two major investment firms with investors in many countries, including Ukraine and Russia. According to a Ukrainian government press conference, Zlochevsky, who laundered money to various politicians he kept record of in a black book, used Franklin Templeton Investments and BlackRock Investment Institute to launder money to various politicians.
House documents prove known liar Adam Schiff received thousands of dollars from both investment firms. If the reports are true, Adam Schiff could be the recipient of laundered money from Ukraine and Burisma Holdings, which would explain why he lied left and right to place the blame on President Trump even though the facts and events prove otherwise.
With Adam Schiff's impeachment report being delayed until after December, this new scandal will not be of any help, and will only serve to boost President Trump's approval, as it is now becoming public knowledge that Adam Schiff and other Democrats accepted money from investment firms reportedly tied to Ukrainian money laundering schemes by people President Trump requested an investigation into.
Democrats have worked non-stop to cover up their collusion with the help of the Media. Meanwhile. President Trump campaigned on "draining the swamp" in Washington, D.C. and he is starting to make serious progress as Democrats and the media are revealing their deep ties and the Intelligence Community more publicly shows their teeth, not only by injecting themselves into the mainstream media, but also by running on the Democrat ticket to "foil Trump." All this negative press will only serve to bolster President Trump's re-election victory, as the public increasingly becomes aware of the collusion and corruption of the Democrat Party.
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