Nancy Pelosi Is Currently Trying To Destroy President Trump's Re-Election Through These New Dirty Actions, The Media Is Silent

Image credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

In addition to moving the impeachment treasure hunt to the House Judiciary Committee, where there will be a new string of endless hearings geared at building a case to impeach President Trump not based on cut-and-dry evidence, because there isn't any, but instead on so-called "constitutional experts," Nancy Pelosi has been doing everything she can to stop President Trump from having any policy victories which he can use to prove his successful Presidency to the American public.

The latest victim fallen prey to Pelosi's abuse of power in the House of Representatives is Mexico, Canada, and millions of American farmers in her blatant ploys to stop President Trump from implementing a much-needed update to the old, broken, and criticized NAFTA Trade agreement that was signed decades ago. The USMCA is a trade deal Canada, Mexico, and U.S. trade experts all agreed was a much-needed improvement on the old NAFTA that would revitalize Mexico and Canada's failing economies and bolster our own. So why avoid passing it? Simple. It's President Trump's response to a failure on an economic agreement that Democrat superstar Bill Clinton signed.

If President Trump gets this victory, it will add another to the growing list of historic accomplishments of his presidency. The unemployment rate is at historic lows for African-Americans and Latinos, the stock market is the highest ever in history, animal cruelty is now a federal offense, there have been historic steps toward fighting sex trafficking by his administration, and many other accomplishments the likes of which past presidents would salivate to claim as their own.

If these accomplishments ever went news viral (most haven't, instead there's wall to wall coverage of impeachment hoaxes fabricated by the Democrats), Nancy Pelosi knows it would cement President Trump's reelection in 2020. So, in addition to taking advantage of the overwhelmingly negative and lying press coverage of President Trump, she is now trying to stop important, historic bills that would not only help our economy expand further but also relieve poverty for millions of Americans, simply because it would make President Trump look even better than he already is to key demographics Democrats have relied on to win elections for decades.

The blatant corrupton must stop. Nancy Pelosi isn't a Democrat strategist. She isn't a politicial talking head or a presidential campaign official. Her job isn't to help Democrats get in office. She is abusing her office by stopping President Trump from accomplishing things that would benefit this country simply because it would help him in 2020. She needs to do her job instead of playing damage control for Democrats.

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