What's The Real Reason Democrats Want To See Trump's Taxes?

Image credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

Amid the impeachment treasure hunt, which effectively flopped for the second day in a row when the two star Democrat witnesses couldn't name a single crime President Trump committed in his phone call, activist Liberal organizations have been suing for President Trump's taxes.
If President Trump was doing something shady, the FBI would have found it
Why? What is so gosh darn important about the man's multi-billion-dollar financial statements that Democrats need to know? Has it crossed their minds that, if President Trump was actually doing something shady, the FBI would have found it? Secondly, wouldn't these shady business operations be found by the IRS audit currently going on? Democrats know all of this, so something else is afoot.

Joe Biden is a bumbling septuagenarian with health problems. But despite all of that, he is the frontrunner of a party full of communists and socialists who do not hit to the heart of middle America, whom the Democrat Party needs to win over from President Trump in order to win the 2020 election. So Democrats are hoping to fnd a series of bombshells in Trump's taxes so they can defeat him in 2020.
The FBI, NSA, CIA, and IRS all haven't found a bombshell hiding in President Trump's finances
It's the same strategy the Right used to take down the anti-semitic, terror-group-backing Ilhan Omar. The initial proof of marriage fraud came through tax filing. The Right also used campaign finance allegations to chip away at socialist-backed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It's a good strategy, and they're hoping they can use it on Trump in 2020.

But there's just one problem: The FBI, NSA, CIA, and IRS all haven't found a bombshell hiding in President Trump's finances. The Mueller Report shows as much. But the fact the audit hasn't found anything, after years of poring over the man's tax reports, and receipts, and financial statements, tells us plainly that, whatever the Democrats find, it certainly won't help them much in 2020.

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