See What We Accomplished Together in EFF's 2021 Annual Report

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See What We Accomplished Together in EFF's 2021 Annual Report

EFF's 2021 Annual Report is out now! Enjoy highlights of our work during the calendar year, along with a financial report covering our fiscal year of July 2020 - June 2021. 

EFF leveraged over $15M in public support to defend civil liberties and encourage innovation in the digital world last year. We continued long standing battles against street-level surveillance by companies such as Amazon Ring and technologies like Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs). We also reacted to fast-breaking external events, such as our largely successful efforts to ensure that pandemic-related virus tracking software respects our privacy, and in our successful campaign to pressure Apple into dropping a dangerous message-scanning program.

Our work encrypting the web continued apace, as did our recognition that cybersecurity requires protecting everyone, including domestic violence victims who are subjected to stalkerware. And that’s only scratching the surface. Compared to recent annual reports, this year’s report includes a more comprehensive look at EFF’s work in six key issue areas, includes a “by the numbers” section, and other resources, such as links to our legal and policy victories and even amicus briefs EFF filed during the year. 

Sprinkled throughout the report are quotes from the 4,000 responses to our online member survey, where you affirmed that EFF is a trusted source of information, and that our supporters share our values. Thank you for standing by our side as we work together to protect civil liberties and make the world a better place, now and for future generations.

Read more in the report.

* This article was originally published here


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