The Fraudulent JFK Autopsy

In our ongoing online conference entitled “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination,” we continue this Wednesday at 7 pm Eastern with part 2 of Jefferson Morley’s presentation “Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation.” In part 1, which is now posted on our website, Jeff delivered a fascinating perspective on recent revelations in the JFK assassination, including his insights on Bob Dylan’s recent song about the assassination, “Murder Most Foul,” a song that has received 4,725,113 views on YouTube.

To attend the conference, just register at our conference page. A zoom link will be emailed to you. The first four presentations in the conference are posted here.

Next week, we move into the medical evidence portion of the conference, which is the portion that leads to the who of the assassination. Our speaker is Douglas Horne, who served on the Assassination Records Review Board and later authored the watershed book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board.

Doug has prerecorded his presentation. It is about 2 hours and 45 minutes long, which would not leave any time for Q&A. Therefore, we have decided to do something different. We have posted Doug’s talk online to enable people to watch it before his scheduled presentation next week. We will then devote his entire scheduled presentation — Wednesday, April 7, at 7 pm Eastern — entirely to Q&A.

Once you watch Doug’s talk, I am confident that you will reach the same conclusion I did when I read his 5-volume book — that the autopsy that the U.S. national-security establishment performed on the body of President Kennedy was fraudulent. Then, when you watch the following three conference presentations on the medical evidence, I am equally confident that your conclusion that it was a fraudulent autopsy will be solidified.

Therefore, everyone participating in our conference has assigned homework. Your homework is to watch Doug’s video sometime before next Wednesday. If you do that, you’ll get much more out of the Q&A. Equally important, you will get much more out of the following three talks on the medical evidence from Drs. Chesser, Mantik, and Aguilar.

(Note: For those who would like be extra prepared for the medical evidence portion of our conference, after you watch Doug’s video I recommend reading my two books The Kennedy Autopsy and The Kennedy Autopsy 2. The big impact that Doug had on my thinking is the reason I dedicated The Kennedy Autopsy to him.)

Proponents of the lone-nut theory of the assassination sometimes assert that if Kennedy had really been killed by the national-security establishment, someone would have talked by now. But when it comes to murder, people rarely talk, especially given that there is no statute of limitations on murder. This would obviously be doubly true with respect to the assassination of a federal official, especially the president of the United States. Since the very beginning when the CIA began specializing in the art of covert state-sponsored assassination and cover-up, a prime CIA directive was never to put any mention of any assassination into writing.

Consider, for example, the case of Johnny Roselli. He was the Mafia liaison in the Mafia-CIA assassination partnership to kill Cuban leader Fidel Castro. We know that Roselli was murdered because his body parts were found floating in a barrel in Miami Harbor. No one has ever talked when it comes to Roselli’s murder. We still don’t know who killed him.

The problem for the national-security establishment is that when it came to the autopsy that it conducted on the body of President Kennedy, people did end up talking after the passage of many years, especially during the term of the Assassination Records Review  Board in the 1990s. As you will see in the presentations by Horne, Chesser, Mantik, and Aguilar, the evidence that ended up surfacing leads inexorably to but one conclusion: that the autopsy conducted by the national-security establishment on the body of President Kennedy was fraudulent.

That was the weak part of the Kennedy assassination — the cover up. The fraudulent autopsy is a key to understanding the who of the assassination. The reason is simple: There is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy, especially one that was conducted just a few hours after the assassination and was shrouded in national-security state secrecy. The fraudulent autopsy had to have been built into the cover-up of the assassination itself. And it stands to reason that there is but one entity that the U.S. national-security establishment would have been covering up for — itself.

The post The Fraudulent JFK Autopsy appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

* This article was originally published here

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