By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder
The Impeachment Pseudo-Debates were scheduled today amid reports of Inspector General Horowitz reportedly dropping his report over the improper actions the FBI took when spying on a political opponent in 2020 today. According to sources, it is said to provide evidence the FBI lied to the FISA court to get the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation going. This is in addition to William Barr stating there are criminal investigations into the origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation.
President Trump's approval rating is now positive amid all this supposedly career-ending "evidence," evidence based on hearsay and second-and-third-hand accounts of events, from witnesses who cannot even name a single crime President Trump has committed. At least there's that. But, of course, nobody is talking about this either.
The report is available at the link below:
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