HAPPENING NOW: Joe Biden The Center Of A New Federal Investigation Over His Corrupt Ukraine Dealings

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

For Democrats who thought they heard the last of Joe Biden's name in relationship to Ukraine and the true corrupt business dealings that took place between Adam Schiff, George Soros, the Obama Administration, and Ukrainian officials, they thought wrong. Lindsey Graham just publicly announced his investigation into Joe Biden on "Face The Nation" this Sunday, saying "none of us are above scrutiny." The move comes before the voting over Articles of Impeachment that will take place this week in the House.

Back in November, Lindsey Graham announced he was asking for documents relating to Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Burisma. Since then, there was radio silence from the Senator over the investigation until recently, where he officially stated he will launch the investigation into Joe Biden's criminal dealings. When he originally announced he was asking for documents, Joe Biden reportedly threatened Graham, saying he would "regret" investigating him his whole life, a move which brought on a tidal wave of negative press coverage.

Joe Biden has been shrouded in controversy since launching his Presidential bid. From allegations of sexual assault, to live footage of his creepy, handsy over-affection with women, and a campaign staffer leaving over racist campaigning, his corrupt and shady business dealings in Ukraine only add to the mountain of evidence that Joe Biden has serious issues in his past that would make him extremely unelectable in 2020. And this is shown in his negative approval ratings.

Meanwhile, President Trump's approval ratings have been slowly climbing, especially among minority voters, in recent weeks. This shows the public believes it is Democrats, not President Trump, who are the real corrupt players in the Impeachment Inquiry. And with the most recent polls showing the majority of Americans are against impeachment, Democrats will have a particularly difficult election cycle if they pass their baseless Articles of Impeachment.

Democrats have been using every trick in the book to keep the spotlight on President Trump during the impeachment inquiry to ensure their corrupt election collusion with Ukraine stays in the dark. But Republicans are having none of it, and are maintaining the Rule of Law. If someone commits a crime, they are to be arrested and convicted, regardless of status, political affiliation, or income stream.

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