By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder
Seasoned Trial Lawyer Stephen Castor denied any sort of allegations of a Quid Pro Quo by President Trump during his testimony today at the Impeachment Pseudo-Debates. He referenced the previous witness testimonies proving Ambassador Sondland, Ukrainian politicians, and the other ambassadors Adam Schiff brought forward all had no knowledge of a Quid Pro Quo. He also brought up President Trump's statements to Sondland that he "wanted no quid pro quo."
In his opening statements, he referenced how the Ukrainian politicians had no knowledge of the aid being withheld until the media reported on it, arguing this means there was no leverage, citing ambassador Volker's statements as support. In addition to this, he noted how Democrats in Congress failed to exhaust every option to gather witnesses for the impeachment inquiry and instead cherry picked the witnesses they wanted, something President Trump has noted multiple times.
Afterward, in response to Jerry Nadler constantly ignoring the Rules of Order even while they were being cited to him, he was asked, point blank, whether there are any "rules" being used for order, to which he responded "no." Then when asked for clarification by Republicans, he said there were rules, but when asked what the rules were, he did not give any. This means the Rules of Order that Congress has adopted as the standard rulebook for how Congress will operate was being equivocally ignored by Nadler and Democrats running the impeachment inquiry.
The Impeachment Pseudo-Debates were scheduled today amid reports of Inspector General Horowitz reportedly dropping his report over the improper actions the FBI took when spying on a political opponent in 2020 today. According to sources, it will provide evidence the FBI lied to the FISA court to get the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation going. This is in addition to William Barr stating there are criminal investigations into the origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation.
Amid the Impeachment Pseudo-Debates, President Trump's approval rating has held steady at 51% after reaching 52% on December 4th, meaning the Impeachment Pseudo-Debates have had no negative affect on Trump's public image.
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