Why Are We Validating The Impeachment Inquiry?

Image Credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

Known liar Adam Schiff, the main player behind the Impeachment treasure hunt who is known infamously for his blatant lying of the call transcript and his commanding of military force when Republicans tried to sit in on one of his secret hearings, emerged with his Inner Circle to conduct a live kangaroo show court on impeachment over unfounded crimes currently fueled by a testimony written by an anonymous whistleblower with no firsthand experience.

He has claimed there is evidence of a quid pro quo between the President of Ukraine and President Trump, and he has enlisted a flurry of different ambassadors and others to help bring credibility to this sham attack.
The President of Ukraine himself stated he felt there was no quid pro quo
But the President of Ukraine himself stated he felt there was no quid pro quo, and the release of the transcript of the phone call corroborated this assertion. in fact, Trump ended up sending the military aid to Ukraine anyway, despite not being promised an investigation into Joe Biden. So, at this point, whatever case Adam Schiff is making is another to the long list of lies he has made about this whole affair.

With hours of testimony from members only Schiff has approved, despite there being witnesses the GOP and Trump have asked to testify whom Schiff has denied, we still have the facts, the transcript, and the painfully obvious point that Trump did nothing illegal since a treaty negotiated with Ukraine in the 1990s affords Trump the privilege to ask for such an investigation anyway:

"taking the testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records and other items of evidence; locating or identifying persons or items; serving documents; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to immobilization and forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and, rendering any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the Requested State. The scope of the Treaty includes not only criminal offenses, but also proceedings related to criminal matters, which may be civil or administrative in nature."
Trump did nothing illegal since a treaty negotiated with Ukraine in the 1990s affords Trump the privilege to ask for such an investigation
The treasure hunt has gotten so out of hand that even Nancy Pelosi herself has blatantly admitted there is nothing. Nevertheless, the smear campaign based on a palace of lies trudges on.

But this shouldn't surprise any of us. After all, Trump impeachment talks began before Trump even stepped foot in office. And the Mueller Report, which was conducted based on salacious and unverified Intelligence Community leaks to the press, investigated a now-debunked hoax that Trump was working for the Russian government (the original reason for impeachment).

According to Christopher Steele in a court filing. his infamous "Steele Dossier" that was used as the basis for the Russia Investigation was compiled to provide information for Hillary Clinton to challenge the validity of the 2016 election. This testimony is strengthened by the fact thyat the salacious and unverified dossier remained, by the FBI's own admission, unverified clear into May of 2017.
Nancy Pelosi herself has admitted there is nothing
When Robert Mueller's much anticipated report was released in 2019,  it exonerated Trump of any collusion with Russia but provided a decidedly ambiguous ruling concerning obstruction of justice. While the Mueller Report did not say Trump obstructed justice, it did not deny it, either.

This was when the Impeachment Inquiry took a different turn. Democrats began arguing Trump should be impeached due to obstruction of justice, but the legal case for obstruction was debunked once Robert Mueller declined to affirm obstruction of justice in his testimony. Further, Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Rod Rosenstein both concurred Trump did not obstruct justice during the Mueller Investigation.

It seems every step of the way Schiff and his Inner Circle have been making it up as they go along. They have pulled facts out of thin air, based on nothing more than words said in secret, to get Trump out of office. And this is because there is a silent coup going on in the Intelligence Community. And they've enlisted the press to help them do it.
We are in a coup, with Democrats leading the charge, and a press cooperating fully, that has all come to the helm at this kangaroo show court of an impeachment "trial."
Don't believe the Intelligence Community is out to take down the Pesident? 60 of them ran on the Democrat Ticket in 2018. The reason? They were "fed up with what they see as the president's disdain for the intel community." If that isn't proof the Intelligence Community has been trying to stop Trump, then I don;t know what is.

So we are in a coup, with Democrats leading the charge, and a press cooperating fully, that has all come to the helm at this kangaroo show court of an impeachment "trial."

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