Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen. - Luke 24:5, (NASB)He is risen! He is risen indeed! This, the rallying cry of Christians all over the world this Easter, had me thinking during my drive back to my dorm after visiting with family. I was pondering what to write about for Easter Monday and this chant rang in my ears. Then it hit me. Right after Jesus rose, He gave His disciples a command:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB)This made me realize something: Every easter, Christians from around the world celebrate The Risen King and Savior of the world, but once Easter is over it is back to business as usual. We go to work, say hello to our neighbors, buy our food from grocery stores, and when the weekend hits we do whatever diversions we can possibly fit into those short 48 hours before returning to work monday morning. However, is that what Jesus commanded us? When he was ascending to heaven, did He leave us with the comand to "get back to business as usual?" No. Instead, He gave us this command: "Tell the world! Let people know of the love and forgiveness of God! Tell your neighbors, tell your relatives, tell your employers and employees, tell the entire world!" This seems quite antithetical to "business as usual."
The Disciples were fearful the moments following Christ's death; it is recorded in Scripture that they hid themselves in the upper room and locked the door. One thing was clear, they were worried for their lives and certainly telling others about Jesus (who, to their knowledge, at this point, was dead and buried) was not at the top of their list. However, when Jesus appeared to them, the Apostles were filled with hope and awe of the power of God. The God of the universe had conquered death (the great equalizer as many call it) and now stood before them victorious over everything. It was this sort of inspiration that made it clear that our God is an Awesome and Powerful God. Jesus conquered everything. He defeated demons, satan, humankind, and sin, and none of it held Him down. It is in the spirit of this victory that the Gospel was preached.
Now, Christians, knowing that our God is alive and all-powerful, what should stop us from preaching the Gospel? Can death, or life, or angels, or demons separate us from an All-Powerful God? Can disease or sickness prevent us from seeing Him? When Jesus promised us that He will always be with us, we can be certain that that promise is valid and effectual. So why are we standing around scared of the Gospel? Has not God promised us food and clothing? Did He not promise us that all our needs would be met? If God promises something, what could possibly be powerful enough to deter it?
So, this Easter Monday, let's stand together and preach Christ. There is a world of people out there that Christ can help. Let us promise to be a light and spread Christ to everyone. Let us promise to live in a way that is pleasing to God and tell our neighbors about the truth. Let us promise to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us promise to not "go about business as usual," but instead be real, authentic, God-centered, God-fearing and God-revering Christians.