Julian Assange and President Biden’s Reelection

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Former British diplomat Craig Murray has chronicled well much of the effort of the US and British governments against Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. In a Tuesday post at his website, Murray suggests that the course of Assange’s continuing torment recently and over the next two years may be driven by an effort to ensure US President Joe Biden’s reelection.

Murray writes:
It is fast approaching a year since Julian Assange submitted his High Court appeal against extradition, and still the High Court has not even decided if it will hear the appeal or not. We had initially hoped the actual hearing might be before last Christmas.

The Assange prosecution is not popular in the USA, where even the mainstream media have come out against charging a journalist with espionage. In addition everybody can now see the parallel with Evan Gershkovich and potential impact of Assange’s treatment on Gershkovich.

Assange’s arrival in Washington would be a free speech cause celebre with the potential to alienate some liberal support from Biden in a close election. The US security services therefore still very much want Julian imprisoned for life – but they do not want him extradited until after Biden is safely re-elected.

The British government therefore need to keep Julian in maximum security in Belmarsh for another two years, to keep the Biden campaign and its security service backers happy.

This can only be done by introducing lengthy and unnecessary delays into the judicial process. We see that happening, or rather we see it 'inexplicably' not happening, before our very eyes.

The senior British judiciary do what the security services tell them to do. Discreetly suggested, in the club.
Read here Murray’s complete post that provides some other interesting insights on matters related to the 2024 presidential election.

* Originally published at the Ron Paul Institute


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