Watch new CFACT Capitol Pink episode: Free Speech Revisited

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Earlier this month, CFACT released the first episode of its new YouTube series titled “Capitol Pink.” With its tagline, “the podcast that teaches you how to think, not what to think,” the series focuses on issues like free speech, censorship, technology, energy and environmental policy, and more, from a younger, female perspective. The host, Shakira Jackson, is a former CFACT Driessen Fellow Collegians intern from the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford.

In the first episode, Jackson spoke with Cristen Lameira of Florida International University about her struggles for free speech on campus.

Yet the issue of free speech was too important to leave to just one episode. To continue that conversation, Jackson sits down with Tamon Hamlett, a legal studies major at the University of Central Florida with a penchant for the First Amendment. Hamlett explains how a school event was almost cancelled due to disgruntled protesters, which leads to a deeper dialogue about freedom of expression.

Watch the second installment of Capitol Pink here, and be sure to share with a friend!

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* This article was originally published here


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