Environmentalists plot destruction of wildlife conservation

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“There is no room for organizations who actively work to break the North American Model of Wildlife Management to have space at a wildlife management conference. Giving this group space only gives them air to breathe their message into the minds of biologists and agency personnel. It legitimizes their position and leads to message creep from agencies to game commissions.” — Sportsmen’s Alliance

In Episode 316 of District of Conservation, Gabriella speaks with Brian Lynn from Sportsmen’s Alliance to discuss how hunting is now political. Plus, how preservationist groups like Wildlife for All and Washington Wildlife First are attempting to reimagine wildlife agencies, Governor Murphy’s stunning reversal of New Jersey’s black bear hunt ban, and the importance of paying attention to state elections and lawmakers. Tune in!

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  • Gabriella Hoffman

    Gabriella Hoffman is a Media Strategist and Award-Winning Outdoor Writer. She hosts the "District of Conservation" podcast and CFACT's original YouTube series "Conservation Nation." Learn more about her work at www.gabriellahoffman.com

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* This article was originally published here


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