The parachute jump by members of the Washington, D.C.-based Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) into the UN’s Climate Conference in South Africa epitomizes the group’s daring and fun approach to beating environmental extremism at the own game. Or how about boarding a Greenpeace ship to lower banners opposing Greenpeace’s stance on climate change? Or how about dressing up as Al Gore and leading a march in San Francisco in response to the Global Climate Action Summit occurring at the same time in the city. And of course, no one can forget the Amazing Climate Hustle 1 and 2 documentary films (links below) that, for one night in 2016, was America’s most viewed film.
Today we interview Craig Rucker, President of CFACT, to learn the behind-the-scenes story of how they were created, what they are doing now, and what this highly effective group plans to do next in their battle for a rational environment and energy policy. Craig founded CFACT in 1985 with David Rothbard and has helped them build many parts of the organization, including the student branch of CFACT, Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow. In 2013, in response to the proposed United Nations’ action on climate change, Rucker wrote an article saying that “CFACT is committed to educating the public and exposing global warming for what it truly is- a massive redistribution scheme. This scheme is not designed to strengthen the U.S. economy, but to throttle it down.” Well, that’s for sure.
This episode of The Othe Side of the Story on America Out Loud you cannot miss!
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* This article was originally published here
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