So, how’s Socialism working out so far?

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If you aren’t scared and disturbed as hell about the attacks on freedoms, values and traditions taking place from within America, you just aren’t paying attention.

Those with open eyes see frightfully expanding usurpation of elected state and national legislative authority by a federal executive branch acting through diktat of regulatory politburos.

False promises of cradle-to-grave welfare state “equity” are supplanting an equal opportunity workfare ethic that incentivizes and rewards achievement.

Unaccountable profligate government spending is driving staggering levels of inflation and public debt that are devaluing our nation’s currency, eroding real wages and imperiling our financial infrastructure.

Previously unimaginable assaults on constitutionally guaranteed liberties, including free speech censorship and assembly shutdowns premised upon government knows best “emergency powers” and “a common good,” have become increasingly tolerated as a “new normal.”

Top leaders entrusted to protect our safety and liberties have turned blind eyes to lawlessness that advances their political agenda narratives, condoned neo-Marxist indoctrination of children, and weaponized police state intimidation of those who resist.

So, is this “Socialism”?

Call it what you wish: “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” or as Mark Levin describes it in the title of his latest book, “American Marxism.”

As the multiple best-selling author and top-level Ronald Reagan administration adviser explains the insidious nature of this trend:

“For many, Marxism has a way of sneaking up on them. They are not yet personally threatened and, at least for now, are unmolested or personally unaffected by it; or there are those who are too busy in their everyday lives to realize what is transpiring; or may dismiss these threats as amorphous, distant, or passing events; and there are still more who cannot believe their country would succumb to Marxist influences and despotism.”

President Obama exemplified authoritarian governance by executive order when facing congressional resistance to his agenda he said, “I’ve got a pen to take executive actions where Congress won’t.”

Obama’s signature Clean Power Plan (CPP) which unabashedly aimed at transforming the U.S. energy market also attempted to weaponize the EPA to regulate fossil fuel plants out of operation through a stringent and expansionist interpretation of the Clean Air Act which redefined vegetation-dependent carbon dioxide as a “climate pollutant.”

Although in 2016, the Supreme Court blocked CPP from taking effect, and President Trump later repealed it, new Biden administration fuel efficiency standards will now use the same EPA regulatory powers to kill petroleum fueled cars in order to push dependence on electric vehicles (EVs).

No conceivable global climate benefits will result from Joe Biden’s shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline while simultaneously granting Russia permission to complete its Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea to Germany … particularly as China continues to build the equivalent of one new coal-fired plant weekly.

Nor will resulting termination of U.S. energy independence benefit American businesses and consumers with U.S. 2021 inflation already spiking to a near four-decade record high 6.8%, as a Democrat-sponsored White House and Congress Build Back Broke (BBB) social engineering bill scored by the CBO would increase the national debt by $3 trillion over the next decade.

Proposed new budget items include a universal prekindergarten program, and subsidized childcare costs with no work nor eligibility requirements limiting assistance to low-income families.

Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail, hammer and tong, to get the mammoth BBB monstrosity passed before their big progressive spending agendas collapse — along with loss of House majority — as broadly predicted in this year’s congressional midterm elections.

Meanwhile, public and individual responses to a terrifying and traumatic coronavirus pandemic have created conflict between two externalities, where one person’s behavior can put another at momentary risk, whereas authoritarian policies that abrogate individual rights put everyone’s freedom perpetually at risk.

Now, despite clear evidence that while the new dominant omicron virus mutation is highly infectious and current vaccine-resistant, it is also far less deadly than the original COVID-19 strain, making its health severity comparable to that of the common cold or flu.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration continues to impose universal en mass applications of those same emergency use-qualified vaccines upon tens of millions of government workers and military personnel — including those who have already gained natural immunity through infection, work from home, or have religious or medical reasons for refusal.

Potentially even more consequential, these experimental treatment regimens are being pushed on young very low-mortality children with no possible way to calibrate the extent of added recognized long-term cardiac risks plus other currently unknown dangers.

Add to this, failures of America’s top executive to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,” and will to the best of his (or her) ability, to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Flagrant dereliction of duty has allowed nearly 2 million unvetted and likely unvaccinated illegal migrants across our open southern border for distribution at taxpayer expense throughout the country in the middle of a pandemic.

Further add to this, dysfunctional neglect of criminality leading to border chaos and lawlessness has similarly contributed to violent crime, looting and street thuggery surges amid police-defunding and offender-forgiveness movements that are reducing life for many far-left Democrat-controlled city residents to a real-life dystopia.

Arguably President Biden’s most deliberately indefensible abrogation of his constitutional responsibility is his de facto attacks on patriotism in public schools which characterize America as a “systemically racist” society through tacit endorsements of neo-Marxist critical race theory (CRT) indoctrination and “1619 Project” propaganda which recasts our great nation’s founding purpose being to institutionalize human enslavement.

Such teachings do great discredit and disservice to a country that fought a terribly painful Civil War to end slavery — a united nation founded and grounded on principles of freedom and equal justice for all.

President Ronald Reagan issued an urgent reminder that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

As Reagan wisely observed: “We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Each of us has an important role to ensure that “one day” of shame and sorrow never arrives.

This article originally appeared at NewsMax

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* This article was originally published here

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