Vaccine Mandate Protests Erupt Nationwide, Protesters Say They Will NEVER Get The Vaccine, Demand Biden Walk Back His Vaccine Mandate At Once

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Across the United States, vaccine mandate protests have erupted in response to Biden's vaccine mandate, calling him to walk back the statements. From healthcare workers to concerned parents and regular citizens, many do not approve of Biden's attack on their freedoms by mandating a potentially unsafe, understudied vaccine.

In New York, healthcare workers gathered together to protest being forced to take the vaccine. The healthcare worker vaccine mandate has forced thousands of nurses to be out of work, which has caused a COVID treatment crisis in states like Texas and New York, where vaccine mandates for nurses are in effect.

Sarah, a Western New York nurse, was quoted by ABC 7 Buffalo as saying:

When I first went into working in the ICU, I was scared. I came out...unafraid. The sacrifices health care workers had to make last year. Last year, we were essential. Now, we’re expendable. You could not get any closer than nurses were to COVID patients, and I came out untouched by COVID.

I understand the ramifications, and it’s something I’m willing to give up for my own personal freedoms.

Additionally, a group of protesters gathered in Huntington, West Virginia to protest the Biden vaccine mandates. The protest was reportedly organized by a hospital employee, Amber Robinson, and includes hospital staff and concerned citizens who do not approve of being injected by a potentially unsafe, understudied vaccine. 

According to Robinson, "It grew really quickly. This is for the community, because any time someone wants to talk about it they are shut down."

Other protesters there also commented on Biden's vaccine mandates, including a retired nurse, Karen Estep, who stated "Everyone should have the freedom of choice."

Further, on 23 campuses nationwide, Young Americans for Liberty organized a vaccine mandate protest. The response came as colleges across the country began mandating vaccines. They have also circulated a petition on the matter that has gathered a number of signatures.

Ben Walls, one of the leaders of the protest in Virginia Tech, told Inside Higher Ed he was angry about the vaccine mandate, saying he isn't anti-vaccines; he is against forcing people against their will to take them. 

He told Inside Higher Ed:

We were a little angry that Virginia Tech was going to tell us what’s best for us and our health care. These vaccines are a personal and private decision that shouldn’t be mandated by the school administration. 

Additionally, in New Jersey, firefighters and police unions are demanding the city come to the negotiating table about vaccine mandates. The Epoch Times reports that at least 100 people protested around City Hall in Newark, New Jersey. The vaccine mandate currently in place there is either be vaccinated or be tested endlessly every 30 days. 

Further north, a vaccine mandate protest was held in Maine over the mandatory vaccination of nurses. ABC 13 reported the protesters stated the vaccine mandate was a violation of their personal freedom and demanded it be ended at once. In Maine, 1 in 5 nurses are currently unvaccinated. Meaning, forced vaccination to entail up to 1 in 5 nurses being canned from their jobs. In the midst of the Delta variant, this could make a huge negative impact on treatment.

Additionally, the United Auto Workers Union's President told Reuters they will not accept the Biden vaccine mandate without negotiating terms and that he only supports voluntary vaccination measures. According to Reuters, "UAW President Ray Curry last month said he supported only voluntary efforts to get employees vaccinated, and said any mandates would need to be agreed through negotiation."

Across the country, Americans and companies alike have shown the Biden administration that mandated vaccines are not welcome in the land of the free.

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