“Riveting, informative, and perfect for our group.”
Such was the assessment of Maureen Guffanti, Chairman of the Manatee Patriots, concerning CFACT President Craig Rucker’s presentation to her organization this past Tuesday.
Rucker addressed the crowd of around 100 people gathered at the Mixon Farms in Bradenton, Florida on the perils of Joe Biden’s climate agenda and the Green New Deal. He asserted that not only is the Administration’s far-Left agenda based on flawed science, but it’s driven by an ideology that is harmful to both people and the planet.
“The Green movement promotes a misguided concept known as ‘sustainable development.’ What this means is they believe there are too many people, consuming too many resources, causing too much pollution. Their solutions of lowering human numbers, limiting consumer choice, and going to war on free market capitalism will only serve to impoverish people and cause harm to our natural world,” said Rucker.
After speaking to the Manatee Patriots on Tuesday, Rucker then spoke to another group of freedom minded, Tea Party-minded patriots in Pinellas County on Wednesday. There over 250 people also got to hear him deliver the same message, and again he was met with a warm reception.
“I’m so thankful Craig Rucker came out to Florida and enlightened our group,” said Community Patriot Panellas leader Christian Audra. “He opened our eyes to the truth of the state of our nation’s environment and how we can balance industry, the birth rate (population growth), and our ecosystem.”
* This article was originally published here
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