BREAKING: CBS Reporter Fired For Exposing Pro-Biden Propaganda Campaign On CBS

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This week, Project Veritas spoke with April Moss of CBS 62 in Detroit about the local affiliate's continued efforts to "discriminate" against anyone who disputes COVID-19 regulations handed down by the corporate headquarters in New York. At one point, she referred to CBS' reporting methods as "propaganda being pushed on individuals," and she claimed that discrimination had occurred, with the station "segregating coworkers" based on health beliefs.

Just days after filming her segment with Project Veritas and making an on-air announcement about the scheduled interview, CBS 62 answered to a request for comment on the matter – and informed us, for the first time – that Moss had been terminated. Her testimony appears to have parallels to a previous Project Veritas Facebook release in which the phrase "Vaccine Hesitancy" was pushed. This same phrase was found in internal CBS business correspondence, which Moss also gave to Project Veritas.

While speaking with Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, Moss also used the opportunity to shed light on CBS' political leanings, mentioning that the station deemed online influencer Candice Owens "too political" to have as a guest, but had no problem interviewing a member of the vaccine rollout team under Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

This is the second journalist to emerge from the sidelines in recent weeks, describing how media outlets are reporting the Coronavirus vaccination — as well as the various hidden interests at work behind closed doors. Former Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker talked with Veritas previously about how some COVID-related stories were hidden to benefit sponsors, mainly the CDC, which, according to a published interview with Project Veritas has has paid a substantial amount of money for ad slots, while also appease the station's general manager – and the network CEO – rather than be truthful with the public. She, too, was fired.

Despite Moss’ career uncertainty -- and the stress surrounding her actions -- she said her family has been fully supportive and she places her trust in God to carry them through, come what may. 

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