We should take them at their words

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I suppose I should be grateful for people like John Kerry and Gina McCarthy because their very words back up the premise of my book, The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War. For their words reveal this is not about climate, but about using climate as a means to an end, the end being the transformation of the very system that enabled our country to become the envy of the world.

Its A Phony War when it comes to Climate, but it is not on a system designed for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

First of all, what is baffling to me is the media. In the 70s, the media was “trust nothing, question everything”. Now it’s the opposite. This makes little sense to me, since if everyone says the same thing, eventually only one source will be left. Look at what has happened since Trump left office. Ratings have fallen. Who are they supposed to attack? (although there are signs they will eat their own, inevitable when it becomes apparent its last outlet standing. Here is a hint, the media will be government controlled if not directly, then indirectly. If you want to mimic Marxism, you will wind up there). The few of us left speaking up are insignificant and are dismissed in general.

When I watched Gina McCarthy when she was EPA director testify in front of the Senate, I thought she had by mistake, let the cat out of the bag. I was not as alarmed as others when she did not know how much co2 was in the air ( though, it does always help to know where you are if you wish to get where you are going.. after all, what if you don’t have to go anywhere in the first place?) To put this in perspective you have to read this:


The video is a must see.

I think the highlight quote, among a slew of them that could be a greatest hits, was this:

“The value of this rule is not measured [by its climate impact]. It is measured by showing strong domestic action…”
-US House Science Committee
-July 9, 2015

But please take your pick when you read them all.

IOW. It is not about climate

Now this was back under the Obama administration. When I saw all this, read all this, I said okay that’s it, the cats out of the bag. This is all a big US economic suicide pact to set an example for the rest of the world. How does any one that loves our country, even with its faults, ( note: we never said we are a perfect union, but we would try to form a more perfect union) not pick up on this? It is evidence this is not about about science and climate change IN HER OWN WORDS.

Here we are and after 4 years of “Trump bashing” ( and anyone that agreed with him) for putting a pause on that agenda, and its back with a vengeance. And this time John Kerry is is taking the lead.

This quote absolutely blew me away for the ignorance of what such a result would mean for life on the planet.

‘Even if we get to net zero, we still need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,’ Kerry said.

Let’s assume he misspoke. Why did he not walk it back? Why did no one listening to him question him on this inconvenient truth?

At 150 ppm million vegetation dies. ( it doesn’t do so well at higher levels until past 250 ppm and that is why co2 Is pumped into greenhouses, elevating their levels up to 1500 ppm. And no, its not the co2 that makes a greenhouse warm). Given the planet is now greener than ever in the satellite era, it means that whether you want to link the greening to the warming or co2, we are getting a Green New Deal, and that deal is better growing conditions. That feeds more people. At last look, word hunger and poverty was a heck of a lot more pressing problem than “climate change” which we are finding out this is not really about anyway. Ironic isn’t it, he advocates for taking away what is actually greening the planet.

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