In South Dakota, the State Fair Must Go On


Many state fairs across America were canceled this year. The reason offered: coronavirus.

It should be no surprise that among the states where an annual state fair did occur this year is South Dakota. South Dakota is the state whose governor — Kristi Noem — has resisted, more than has any other governor across America, the temptation to use coronavirus as an excuse to exercise dictatorial powers.

Following last month’s annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally that brought hundreds of thousands of visitors to the state, South Dakota has continued to demonstrate with the state fair that ended on Monday that coronavirus is no excuse for canceling events that bring joy to life.

Some South Dakota State Fair activities, including concerts, were curtailed and some other changes were made in the name of countering coronavirus. While attendees and many workers at the state fair were free to not cover their faces, unfortunately, people serving food were required to wear masks, as have been many workers across America. Still, it looks like the state fair experience is South Dakota is much closer to “old normal” than what the majority of Americans encounter shopping at their local grocery stores.

Noem was among the many people who enjoyed the South Dakota State Fair free of mask and “social distancing” mandates.

* Originally published at the Ron Paul Institute

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