Serious Balls... Man Arrested After Smuggling $14,000 IN GROIN AREA

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

A Laredo, Texas man was arrested after he reportedly tried smuggling $14,000 in his groin area and underwear pockets. The man was arrested by customs after trying to leave the country to enter Mexico. 

The story was broken by LMT online:
Jose Guadalupe Deleon was about to exit the country on June 22 via the pedestrian lane of the Gateway to the Americas International Bridge. During an outbound inspection, he gave a negative declaration to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers for more than $10,000 in cash.

“Further inspection of Deleon resulted in the discovery of a large amount of currency concealed within Deleon’s front shorts pocket and groin area,” states the affidavit.

CBP officers said they seized $14,009 from Deleon. Homeland Security Investigations responded to investigate the cash smuggling attempt. Deleon allegedly agreed to provide a post-arrest statement.
 The man, Jose Guadalupe Deleon, is currently being held by Border Patrol, said he was smuggling the money for unknown individuals and was going to be paid for his ballsy "services." It seems he is going to comply with The Department of Homeland Security in the investigation in addition to giving a sworn statement.


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