ALARMING: New Movement By Communist Activists To Replace So-Called "Racist" STAR SPANGLED BANNER With John Lennon's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO 'Imagine" Is Gaining Ground

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

Welp... it's finally happening. The song every American can cling to, one of freedom from oppression, loving one's country, and taking a stand against tyranny is now being called "racist" and, communist activists say, should be replaced with John Lennon's Communist Manifesto, a song about the "joys" of communism (like being thrown in internment camps and tortured if you say anything remotely different from the party lines...).

CBN News broke the story:
Cancel culture has a new target: Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner. They’d like to replace it with “Imagine” by John Lennon, which was described as “virtually the communist manifesto” by the singer himself.

What started with the toppling of some Confederate statues has now morphed into an ISIS-like war on statues, targeting almost every pillar of iconic American history.

Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and more have all been targeted by angry vandals looking to make a statement.
But they couldn't be more wrong about the Star Spangled Banner. It was written by Francis Scott Key amidst the War of 1812. His friend was a PRISONER on a British ship who was hoping his country of freedom, justice, and equality for all would survive the battering by British ships at a fort. When he saw the flag still standing in the morning, it reminded him of freedom and how his country was fighting for equality for all.

There isn't a single lyric line that has to do with racism or slavery. In fact, Martin Luther King Jr. called it "beautiful" in his speech on how racism pervaded this country through slavery. He never once called the anthem Racist or pro-slavery. This new charge is nothing more than revisionist history that must die out.


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