AP News Article: The Left Wants To KEEP YOU Unemployed, Starving, And ALONE During Coronavirus

By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

In an AP News article today, a stunning headline got me to click: Trump continues to claim broad powers he doesn’t have

FINALLY! I thought. Somebody else is getting it

Well, you would think the article would be talking about the centralization of the economy into the Executive Branch. Or Trump's Coronavirus Task Force meetings with governors and telling them to continue locking down the entire country. But you would be completely wrong... Instead, the AP is moaning that Trump wants to END the lockdowns, REOPEN churches, and UPHOLD freedom of expression. hmmm...

As per the AP article itself:
Threatening to shut down Twitter for flagging false content. Claiming he can “override” governors who dare to keep churches closed to congregants. Asserting the “absolute authority” to force states to reopen, even when local leaders say it’s too soon.
Imagine that. Being angry at a President for wanting to uphold our Constitutional rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to worship God as we please. OH! THE TYRANNY!!

But the ironic thing is, they're right, just not for the reasons they say they are. Trump IS continuing to claim broad powers he doesn't have:
  • Powers like locking us down in our homes (breaks the right to peaceably assemble).

  • Powers like barring the right to worship (he's been hand-holding states every step of the way since January. If he was against any of these practices he would have told States to stop doing it and make an about face. But he didn't. He's waiting for them to do it).

  • Powers like "supply chain management" (another newspeak way of saying "command economy" or "communism"). We've reported extensively on the Trump Administration's complete control over the economy during Coronavirus.
In case you don't believe President Trump has had a hand in this, consider this Coronavirus Press Briefing held in March, where Trump comments on the lockdowns
Well, it’s — it’s so bad for the economy, but the economy is number two on my list.  First, I want to save a lot of lives.  We’re going to get the economy back.  I think the economy is going to come back very fast.

Steve is just asking about the economy, what’s it like.  We basically shut down our country, and we did that in order to keep people separated, keep people apart.  They’re not working in offices, they’re not in airplanes together.  You know, we really shut it down.

And, you know, 150, 151 other countries are pretty much shut down.  But here, we’re the — we had the greatest economy in the world.  We had the greatest economy in the history of our country.  And I had to go from doing a great job for three years to shutting it down.  But you know what?  We’re going to build it up and we’re going to build it up rapidly.  And I think, in the end, we’ll be stronger for it.  We learned a lot.  We learned a lot.

And I have to say, we’ve had great relationships with a lot of countries.  China sent us some stuff, which was terrific. Russia sent us a very, very large planeload of things, medical equipment, which was very nice.  Other countries sent us things that I was very surprised at, very happily surprised.

We learned a lot.  We’re learning a lot.  And we’re also learning that the concept of borders is very important, Steve.  It’s very important.  Having borders is very, very important.

But we have done an incredible job.  The economy is going to come back.  My focus is saving lives.  That’s the only focus I can have.  We’re going to bring the economy back and we’ll bring it back fast.
As if there wasn't enough proof there (and also, if Trump was REALLY focusing on saving lives, he would have listened a long time ago when noted epidemiologists stated the lockdowns were unscientific), we then have this nugget from the most recent briefing on the meeting with the governors:
Today, Vice President Mike Pence led a discussion with the chief executives of approximately 50 States, territories, and the city of Washington, DC, and the White House Coronavirus Task Force to discuss best practices and continue the dialogue on the important Federal-State partnership on COVID-19 response, recovery, and re-opening efforts. 
Vice President Pence led a discussion of best practices from our Nation’s governors on re-open strategies, expanding testing capacity, and supply chain management. In addition to the Vice President, governors heard from White House Coronavirus Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx on maximizing testing and outbreak modeling, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma on States protecting nursing home residents and workers, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Pete Gaynor on efforts to plan for hurricanes and severe weather while mitigating COVID-19 risks, and Rear Admiral John Polowczyk provided an update on supply chain efforts.

Since January 2020, the Trump Administration has led over 270 briefings – including 20 governors’ briefings – with over 115,000 State, local, and Tribal participants.
The AP is right. There have been serious and continued violations of our Constitution. Our Government has no right to tell stores which products they can buy and sell. Our Government has no right to tell us where we can and cannot peaceably assemble. Our government has no right to tell us which jobs are essential and which are not. And it certainly has no right to tell us where and how to worship. These are gross violations of the liberties that our Constitution grants us in the Bill of Rights.

But is the AP mad about that? No. Instead they're mad that Trump (in their heads, anyways. Most evidence leads to the contrary) wants to reverse the lockdowns, get people back to work, and allow people to worship. Huh. I guess the Left really does want us broke, hungry, and alone.


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