By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder
We all want to be safe. We all want to be protected. And we certainly all want to be healthy. These are basic human necessities and rights. And, no doubt, if there be a government, protection of these said rights should, in fact MUST, be its first and only priorities, ESPECIALLY in the time of a pandemic.
But what we've seen, the FDA shutting down treatments until they have the chance to approve them (treatments other countries implemented weeks before the FDA and CDC even caught wind of them), telling Billionaires like Elon Musk that their ventilators are not necessary (amid a ventilator shortage), telling testing companies to stand down, and making sure the N95 mask and hand sanitizer shortages continue promotes anything but our safety. In fact it compounds the problem.
But it isn't just at the FDA. State governments around the country have completely banned everything from bookstores to shopping past 8PM, to restaurants and even locked down their borders to "fight" the virus. Of course, this is while they allow the horrifying and life-killing Certificates of Need to continue. A policy (among many, MANY others) that makes it impossible for a hospital to do what it needs to save people dying of Coronavirus.
In fact, a friend of mine went to get tested because they potentially came into contact with someone who might have Coronavirus and the nurse politely told her that Department of Health regulations forbid her from being tested. So, of course, she was without work for two weeks even though she showed no symptoms, and, since that week was to be a pay period, she will also lose a paycheck until the NEXT pay period when she's back on payroll.
Amid all this trouble, it's no surprise people are having difficulty coping. Depression and loneliness has risen through the roof, and domestic abuse has been on the rise, and suicides due to Coronavirus are now officially a thing, which mental health experts had been shouting the alarm about for weeks. So, in an effort to "save peoples' lives" from a virus with a 0.145% fatality rate for most of the general public and a 0.5%-1.0% fatality rate when you factor in the elderly and the young, it's clear something needs to change.
But change they have not. Instead, there is now wind of the government banning our church services and arresting pastors for simply trying to bring communities together and give them a safe space to worship God. And don't even think online services for churches are safe either, Google has just banned a church streaming app because it talked about the Coronavirus in a way Google did not approve.
This is the completely wrong approach. Women around the world and in the United States come to the church for protection and security from their abusers. And it is proven that having faith helps treat or even cure depression. And, quite often, stories like this one of Christians keeping people from ending it all flood the internet.
It's clear fellowship and a positive message of hope in troubled times through the Savior and Ruler of the World is the right approach to fight domestic abuse, suicide, and depression and loneliness, the biggest mental and physical plagues covering this country. All churches want to do is help, but they are not allowed to. The government wants to stop them from doing their duty: making sure their community is closer to God and is in healthy shape through caring for and helping the lost, the hungry, and the depressed.
In addition to repealing the FDA and CDC regulations that keep hospitals from testing patients, from tests being created, and masks and hand sanitizer from being produced, let's also allow churches to help the brokenhearted and give people a safe, positive space filled with hope and brotherly love to keep people from killing themselves and give wives and children a safe place to flee from their abusers and find freedom from being beaten.
So, President Trump, and State and Federal officials, reopen our churches and factories. Our lives, mental health and safety depend on it.
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