By Gen Z Conservative
Thank goodness. As of this week, the impeachment charade is finally over and America can move on from this nonsense and get back to business.
Trump has had an incredible run as President so far. Tax cuts have worked wonders for the economy, which is booming. Real Americans are proud of America once again and finally have a president who's willing to stand up to our enemies. And, of course, his deregulation and judicial appointments will be long-lasting monuments to his presidency.
But, the Democrats, of course, hate all of those wonderful accomplishments. Whether that hatred is rooted in envy for the love he receives from his base or an innate hatred of anything pro-American and pro-capitalist, it’s hard to tell. In any case, they utterly despise him.
Their first attempt to remove him was, shall we say, “extra-judicial.” They used corrupt and partisan actors in the corrupt DOJ and unscrupulous FBI to push through the now-infamous Steele dossier and then used it as supposed proof of President Trump’s wrongdoing. Then, they had James Comey and the Justice Department attack President Trump while Mueller and his merry band of partisan lawyers investigated Trump for years on end. The entire scene was a horrendous display of the Democrats being sore losers and is why the true scandal of the 2016 election was Democrat corruption and misconduct.
Unfortunately for America, the media is on the side of the Democrats and tried to sweep all of that illegal conduct under the rug. Andrew Breitbart was right in Righteous Indignation; the media really will do anything to support a far-left agenda. So, Americans were left in the dark about what really happened while the Democrats leveled baseless accusation after baseless accusation against President Trump.
Their end goal was impeachment, and they finally reached it when the impeachment proceedings began in December. Then, with reckless abandon, the Democrats rushed through the articles of impeachment, using secret, anonymous sources and keeping House Republicans in the dark.
Soon enough the American people saw just how unfounded their claims were, and the Senate finally rectified the situation by exonerating President Trump. By that point, America had grown tired of the whole show of bravado and fear-mongering, so it ended with a whimper rather than a band.
The whole time the Democrats claimed they had dirt on President Trump that would lead to his removal from office. That claim was absurd and never substantiated. Why? Because everyone, Democrat or Republican, knew that President Trump was completely innocent. The only thing he was “guilty of,” so to speak, was taking on the Democrat establishment and Deep State. The establishment’s resulting Trump Derangement Syndrome led to the impeachment charade and was used as a cover for their attempts to use impeachment to hide just how awful the Democrat candidates are.
Every American should be happy the impeachment charade is finally over. For years, the Democrats attacked Trump and his character without so much as an afterthought as to if people would realize their claims were made out of thin air. Luckily, the Senate realized that and ended President Trump’s impeachment. Now that the impeachment charade is finally over, Trump can go back to winning so much that we get tired of winning!
GenZ Conservative is a conservative college student from Atlanta, GA who now lives in Virginia. Follow him on Twitter and check out his website:
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