LEAK: Media Covering Up Bombshell Document Drop Proving Robert Mueller Cherry Picked Statements From Key Witnesses In His Investigation Report

Image credit: Kit Fox/Medill (CC BY 2.0)
By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder

In a second series of document leaks, Buzzfeed just dropped a treasure trove of Russia Investigation documents with key witness interviews that completely exonerate President Trump from the Russia Collusion Hoax. These documents also have witness interviews that prove much of the press reporting regarding the Russia Collusion Hoax was wildly inaccurate.

One of the key witnesses, Richard Gates, interview was included in the document drop. In Gates's interview (contained in pages 15-19), he claims he never heard anything about Paul Manafort's meetings with various Russian actors laid out in the Mueller Report. He also said he was "surprised" when President Trump fired Comey and that it was Don McGahn who was behind Sessions recusing himself, not Trump or Sessions, who both had not even been notified. Gates said he heard speculation from others that Trump would not have been angry if he had been notified beforehand.

In addition to Gates's interview, Hope Hicks's interview (contained in pages 70-87) mentioned President Trump did not want to know the contents of a "manilla folder" that supposedly had meeting notes between Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump, Jr. Hicks said she read emails, (which The New York Times falsely reported were about Russian Collusion) that she thought looked really bad. But Jared Kusher said they were "no big deal" because they were just over "a meeting about Russian adoption."

She said when she tried bringing up the "really bad" emails on Russian adoption (whatever this Russian adoption refers to was not elaborated in her testimony), Trump said he did not want to talk about it and also didn't want any details. Multiple times, Hicks mentioned the "scandalous meeting" that was the subject of media reports was only about Russian adoption. When asked multiple times what to say about the meeting, Trump said to just say that.

In addition to Hope Hicks and Richard Gates, Rod Rosenstein's interview (contained in pages 113-130) was also released in the documents. In it he said he was supposed to write an FBI memo about his concerns about James Comey. He said he wrote one he "could stand behind." He also said he disagreed with Comey's handling of the Clinton email investigation.

The documents can be viewed and downloaded from Buzzfeed News here.

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