By John Paluska, Founder of The Daily Fodder
Things are only getting worse for the Democrat Party concerning the impeachment treasure hunt. After documents proving Adam Schiff's staffer took a trip this year to a Burisma-run Think Tank that Burisma paid for followed reports of the Ukrainian government alleging he accepted laundered money through US trust funds, more and more shady news has been popping up proving Democrats' deep ties to Ukraine. And now Nancy Pelosi is the next Democrat to have potential conflict of interest troubles.
In pages 303-304 of documents obtained by Judicial Watch in 2015, in the midst of Viktor Shokin's investigation into Burisma, Nancy Pelosi met with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenuk, and Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin. She also met with undisclosed NGO representatives and the U.S, Ambassador to Ukraine. This is important because it was in 2015 when George Kent, a career State Department official, raised concerns over Hunter Biden's Burisma connections.
In her official statement concerning the Ukraine visit in 2015, Pelosi states:
"President Petro Poroshenko engaged our delegation in a detailed discussion related to advancing security, diminishing corruption, growing the economy, and reducing dependence on Russian energy sources.
These and other issues were discussed with Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, including the implementation of necessary reforms in the public and private sectors."
As previously noted, it was at this time Viktor Shokin was in the middle of investigating Ukrainian-Government-funded Burisma Holdings and the deeply corrupt connections between Joe and Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian government. This investigation was major news in Ukraine, with Joe Biden's son included in Ukrainian media reports concerning Burisma in January of 2015. Even further, Time Magazine reported in 2014 of Biden using Burisma Holdings to influence U.S. foreign policy.
Since reducing corruption was a major part of the conversations between Nancy Pelosi and Petro Poroshenko, and it was already news that Burisma Holdings was using Hunter Biden's status to lobby pro-Ukrainian policies in the White House, then the topic of Burisma holdings most likely came up in conversation.
She is willfully ignoring the fact that Ukraine already knew Joe and Hunter Biden were corrupt and colluding with the Ukrainian government and is instead trying to frame President Trump. She was in the House when these media reports came out and she visited Ukrainian Politicians where corruption was a focus of the conversations. This could mean there is a probable conflict of interest in this impeachment treasure hunt she is in charge of. She knows the facts of Biden's blatant corruption with Ukraine, spoke to Ukrainian politicians about corruption while the investigation was in full swing, and is willfully ignoring all of it.
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More than likely Nancy and Adam Schiff both benefited financially from their dealing with the corruption of Ukraine. That's why they dont want anybody to find out what really happened. The President definitely has a big swamp to drain. They are too greedy to cooperate and stand down. Its blatantly obvious they dont care about us Americans.
ReplyDeletedude go suck trumps dick instead of posting so much fake shit