America vs. The World

What does the average American think of when they think of America?

They will say things like: America is the greatest nation on earth! (Unless you are a progressive). When Americans speak of something they are proud of, they will tend to look down on other nations.

While many people may know me as a nationalist, and I am all for pride in your nation, I think many America-Firsters, especially the current Trump conservative party supporters, can make the massive mistake of not pondering the issues in America in addition to what we could possibly learn from other nations.

So that is why I am starting a series of articles called 'America vs.' To pit certain nations against America and see what we do better and perhaps what they do better. In the end, I hope people of both nations can learn and even help effect meaningful change for both their countries.
So, what is my first criticism? Well it is exactly that!
There will be times when I may state things that are just candid observations and there some times you might disagree. That is okay!
Americans! Learn to take criticism in a healthy way. To many times I have seen Americans write off the opinions of others simply because they are not American. On a smaller level I see Americans do this to each other on cultural and racial lines as well, but that alone is another can of worms.

This series will be an in-depth criticism of America. I suggest anyone who has so little faith and pride in America that they cannot take a little bit of a tongue lashing to not read this series. There will be times when I may state things that are just candid observations and there some times you might disagree.

That is okay! Because at The Daily Fodder we aren't an echo chamber.
With that I leave us both with this: May God bless you the reader and may God bless America.

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